There was a huge positive impact after the first launch in terms of numbers and business growth.
By eliminating the need to send inspection engineers to every home, we were able to reduce costs and instead focused on cross verifying cars of particular interest. This streamlined process improved efficiency and reduced operational expenses.
Increased leads from self-inspection tool improved lead to procurement ratio, but operational limitations hindered proportional procurement growth. Strategic steps were taken to enhance capabilities and expand, allowing human intervention to support the self-inspection process. Positive impact instilled confidence in scalable growth for the business.
Exponential increase in leads ~ 5X
Increase in procurement ~ 2X
Final Designs

What is Self Inspection?
An AI-assisted Self-inspection capability, that is easy and quick for a consumer seller to use and perform an inspection of their car from their home and is at a quality level that helps the business assess the right purchase price at accuracy levels comparable to physical / home inspection. Our business gained a distinct advantage and accelerated growth through this unique concept and experience.
Self Inspection
Self Inspection was built considering both seller and buyer benefits!

User Personas
The potential need for selling:
Upgrade Car as a family for comfort.
Overall high maintenance of older vehicle.
Car adding to financial burden.
Car does not match social status.
Selling Behaviour: Convenience Seeker
Not very comfortable with multiple rounds of negotiations and meeting unknown buyers.
Wants to get as good deal with minimum hassle.
Open to paying extra for premium services.
Primary Persona: Busy bee Albert
The potential need for selling:
Upgrade Car as a family for comfort.
Overall high maintenance of older vehicle.
Car adding to financial burden.
Car does not match social status.
Selling Behaviour: Convenience Seeker
Not very comfortable with multiple rounds of negotiations and meeting unknown buyers.
Wants to get as good deal with minimum hassle.
Open to paying extra for premium services.
Primary Persona: Busy bee Albert
To finalise the concept and gather feedback, a workshop using the Dreamer-Optimistic-Critic framework was conducted. Considering factors like timelines, technical feasibility, business alignment, product vision, and scalability, a decision was made. We opted for a wizard approach for questions and a separate assistive camera experience to capture physical/condition details. This decision resulted from rigorous discussions and stakeholder consensus.
Wizard approach for questions and a separate unique assistive camera experience to capture physical/condition details of the car
There was a huge positive impact after the first launch in terms of numbers and business growth.
By eliminating the need to send inspection engineers to every home, we were able to reduce costs and instead focused on cross verifying cars of particular interest. This streamlined process improved efficiency and reduced operational expenses.
Increased leads from self-inspection tool improved lead to procurement ratio, but operational limitations hindered proportional procurement growth. Strategic steps were taken to enhance capabilities and expand, allowing human intervention to support the self-inspection process. Positive impact instilled confidence in scalable growth for the business.
Exponential increase in leads ~ 5X
Increase in procurement ~ 2X

About OLX Autos
OLX Autos is an online Car trading platform. User can sell their Car, buy one from the car listings from the platform or get their purchase financed by OLX. Selling, Buying and Finance are the three verticals OLX Autos deals with. They have Android, iOS as well as Web platforms.

About OLX Autos
OLX Autos is an online Car trading platform. User can sell their Car, buy one from the car listings from the platform or get their purchase financed by OLX. Selling, Buying and Finance are the three verticals OLX Autos deals with. They have Android, iOS as well as Web platforms.

The seller flow before Self Inspection:

Problems with the existing Inspection process
High operational cost to send inspectors on site
Scheduling an inspection increases time to sell
Sellers want inspections to be done at home
Need an expert who can go through the inspection checklist
Dependency on availability of an inspector
Pandemic and lockdown induced operational difficulties

Seller’s North Star Journey
Buyer’s North Star Journey

Self Inspection was built considering both seller and buyer benefits!

1 Senior UX Designer
2 Associate Designer
Collaboration with the product analytics, tech, business, marketing, operations etc.
A separate task force was created and a few members from each team were selected to come together and accomplish the goal of building this unique experience. I was a part of the design team, helping in this effort.
Skills and Tools
UX Design, UI Design, Illustration, Prototyping
Figma, Miro, Sketch, Protopie, Invision
How to we measure Self Inspection’ success?
Do we see increase in Car leads on the platform?
Do we see increase in procurement of cars?
Do we see reduced operational costs?
Secondary Research
A preliminary trial was undertaken involving actual users utilising the current functionalities to collect valuable insights and feedback for future enhancements. Additionally, a competitive benchmark analysis was carried out to evaluate the inspection tools currently accessible in the market.

User Feedback
“I want to do this in my free time with breaks in between”
“I am not comfortable getting on a video call”
“Is a video necessary? Won’t pictures be enough?”
“I want to do this in my free time. Not on a schedule.”
Step 1 Testing with existing capability
“I cannot send a video as it is large in size. Also, while taking the video and handling the car, its chaotic.”
The field-based pilot sought to evaluate an initial self-inspection concept without developing a complete solution. Capitalising on users' familiarity with technologies such as WhatsApp video calling and phone cameras, the pilot investigated basic self-inspections at a surface level.

Step 1 Benchmarking
Competition benchmarking revealed that SaaS organisations, insurance companies, OEMs, and other competitors were also exploring similar inspection tools and technologies. This analysis provided valuable insights into the competitive landscape and ongoing industry developments.
To ignite creativity and enhance comprehension of the user experience, storyboarding was harnessed, incorporating pertinent scenarios. This method proved instrumental in crafting inclusive designs that engaged all stakeholders.
Two pivotal scenarios were chosen: one depicting the user in close proximity to the car, and the other portraying the user at a physical distance from the car. This approach facilitated a thorough exploration of user interactions and requirements in diverse contexts.
Story Boarding

Low-fidelity concept ideation

A gamified conversational interface
Conversational Self Inspection with OLX as a Buyer or Inspection Engineer

Camera as the assistant

Wizard Approach

To finalise a concept and get more ideas and critics, I conducted a Workshop with my design team at OLX
Workshop Framework: Dreamer, Optimist and Critic
Generates a lot of ideas around the concept
Is free to imagine and suggest anything
Doesn't think about Constraints
Talks about what all things he/she likes about the concept
Gives Feedback around the concept
Finds Weak points
Wants to prevent failures
WORKSHOP INSIGHTS (20 Participants from the Design team participated)
I surfaced the concept for the team and asked each team member to get into the shoes of a :

Basic flow structure
A comprehensive exercise led by the operations team and other stakeholders was conducted to identify the crucial data points (questions) for the self-inspection process. The selection of these data points was driven by the goal of fostering trust among buyers while ensuring convenient data capture for sellers. Considerations such as car insurance etc. were taken into account to enhance buyer confidence, while the focus remained on providing sellers with a user-friendly and efficient experience.
Final detailed workflow

Which details about the vehicle are required for the Self Inspection?
Fuel Type
Clutch condition
Additional Accessories
AC Condition
Smoke Colour
Registration year
Car Photos
Image of front & back side
Image of left & right side
Car Condition Details
Oil leakages
Clutch condition
Car Brand
Car Variant
Insurance type
Transmission type
Car Basic Details
Image of Car interiors
Image of Odometer

Section 1:

Section 1:
Designs and Iterations
Start Screen

Design enhancement: Introduction of cards and better copy to make it clear and easy to understand.

Design enhancement: Introduction of cards and better copy to make it clear and easy to understand.
Different ways of filling car details



Pop-ups and nudges

1. A generic pop-up that would appear when the user attempted to exit from any screen.
2. An offer pop-up displaying a price range, triggered when the user attempted to exit after providing sufficient details for the pricing model.
3. A pop-up specifically for the camera flow, appearing if the user tried to exit during the photo- taking process.

Section 2:

Section 2:
Layout Iterations

After iterations, research, and tech team discussions, we decided to limit the final camera experience to landscape mode for the following reasons:
Car proportions: Landscape mode is more efficient in capturing the full length of a car, as it exceeds its height.
Bigger preview: Landscape mode provides a larger preview area, enabling a better view and capturing more details.
Avoiding unnecessary information: Landscape mode prevents capturing extraneous details, focusing solely on the car, unlike portrait mode.

Camera components were tailored for landscape mode, and users received a visual cue to switch to landscape mode for an optimal experience, ensuring consistency.
For an improved user experience, car stencil icons were strategically placed to ensure unobstructed photo capture. After each photo, the selection moved to the next icon.
The camera interface was designed to replicate the familiar and intuitive layout of a conventional camera, ensuring users can easily navigate and interact with the self-inspection tool.
The camera interface was thoughtfully designed to accommodate left-hand operation, with the camera components automatically flipping to ensure seamless usability for left-handed
Usability and Ergonomics

Final designs for testing
Stencil and icon set

Usability Testing
“I like the stencil concept is helpful in guiding”
“I like how errors are shown”
“I like the continuous photo clicking process”
“I am having trouble clicking some pictures as the car is parked against something”
“I don’t know how to open the bonnet to take engine photos:
“The toolbar is not visible outside because of it’s light colour”
“My car is sometimes parked away from my home”
User Feedback
Final Designs

Some more design experiments with the Camera flow
Experiment 1: Help users take angled photos to avoid cropped photos in constrained spaces

Experiment 2: Add explaining pop-ups in the flow

Experiment 3: Explain errors better

Self Inspection

About OLX Autos
OLX Autos is an online Car trading platform. User can sell their Car, buy one from the car listings from the platform or get their purchase financed by OLX. Selling, Buying and Finance are the three verticals OLX Autos deals with. They have Android, iOS as well as Web platforms.

The seller flow before Self Inspection:

Seller’s North Star Journey

Buyer’s North Star Journey
If we can at minimum create an self-inspection capability, that is easy and quick for a consumer seller to complete from their home and is at a quality level that helps us assess the right purchase price at accuracy levels comparable to physical/home inspection we can gain a distinct advantage and accelerate our growth.
How can we provide a delightful experience and reduce operational cost?
Self Inspection: Revolutionizing The Car Selling Experience
2 Designers
Collaboration with the product analytics, tech, business, marketing, operations etc.
My Role
I played a significant role in shaping the concept, crafting the visual design, and enhancing the Camera experience. I conducted meticulous User Acceptance Tests (UATs) to ensure flawless delivery. Additionally, I crafted various A/B tests during the later phases.
Skills and Tools
UX Design, UI Design, Illustration, Prototyping
Figma, Miro, Sketch, Protopie, Invision
How do we measure Self Inspection’s success?
Do we see increase in Car leads on the platform?
Do we see increase in procurement of cars?
Do we see reduced operational costs?
User Personas
The potential need for selling:
Upgrade Car as a family for comfort.
Overall high maintenance of older vehicle.
Car adding to financial burden.
Car does not match social status.
Selling Behaviour: Convenience Seeker
Not very comfortable with multiple rounds of negotiations and meeting unknown buyers.
Wants to get as good deal with minimum hassle.
Open to paying extra for premium services.
Primary Persona: Busy bee Albert
The potential need for selling:
Upgrading due to need and wants:
Automatic car/ feature preferences
Old car giving trouble
Change in lifestyle
Need urgent money
Selling Behaviour: Value Seeker
Will explore all options(Car dealerships, other online platforms etc.)
Seeks best price over convenience
Primary Persona: Value Seeker
Secondary Research
A preliminary trial was undertaken involving actual users utilising the current functionalities to collect valuable insights and feedback for future enhancements. Additionally, a competitive benchmark analysis was carried out to evaluate the inspection tools currently accessible in the market.
Step 1 Testing with existing capability
User Feedback
“I cannot send a video as it is large in size. Also, while taking the video and handling the car, its chaotic.”
“I want to do this in my free time with breaks in between”
“I am not comfortable getting on a video call”
“Is a video necessary? Won’t pictures be enough?”
“I want to do this in my free time. Not on a schedule.”
The field-based pilot sought to evaluate an initial self-inspection concept without developing a complete solution. Capitalising on users' familiarity with technologies such as WhatsApp video calling and phone cameras, the pilot investigated basic self-inspections at a surface level.

Step 2 Benchmarking
Competition benchmarking revealed that SaaS organisations, insurance companies, OEMs, and other competitors were also exploring similar inspection tools and technologies. This analysis provided valuable insights into the competitive landscape and ongoing industry developments.


To ignite creativity and enhance comprehension of the user experience, storyboarding was harnessed, incorporating pertinent scenarios. This method proved instrumental in crafting inclusive designs that engaged all stakeholders.
Two pivotal scenarios were chosen: one depicting the user in close proximity to the car, and the other portraying the user at a physical distance from the car. This approach facilitated a thorough exploration of user interactions and requirements in diverse contexts.
Low-fidelity concept ideation

A gamified conversational interface

Story Boarding
Conversational Self Inspection with OLX as a Buyer or Inspection Engineer
Camera as the assistant
Wizard Approach

Insights from the User Research and Market Benchmarking

A user friendly tap-tap process would enable users to effortlessly provide us with a comprehensive range of car-related information in a simple and efficient manner.
A streamlined image capturing experience complemented with clear guidance on capturing the required images.
To finalise a concept and get more ideas and critics, I conducted a Workshop with my design team at OLX
Workshop Framework: Dreamer, Optimist and Critic
WORKSHOP INSIGHTS (20 Participants from the Design team participated)
Generates a lot of ideas around the concept
Is free to imagine and suggest anything
Doesn't think about Constraints
Talks about what all things he/she likes about the concept
Gives Feedback around the concept
Finds Weak points
Wants to prevent failures
I surfaced the concept for the team and asked each team member to get into the shoes of a :

A comprehensive exercise led by the operations team and other stakeholders was conducted to identify the crucial data points (questions) for the self-inspection process. The selection of these data points was driven by the goal of fostering trust among buyers while ensuring convenient data capture for sellers. Considerations such as car insurance etc. were taken into account to enhance buyer confidence, while the focus remained on providing sellers with a user-friendly and efficient experience.

Basic flow structure
Final detailed workflow

Which details about the vehicle are required for the Self Inspection?
Car Basic Details
Car Brand
Car Variant
Fuel Type
Registration year
Insurance type
Transmission type
Car Condition Details
Car Photos
Oil leakages
Clutch condition
AC Condition
Smoke Colour
Clutch condition
Additional Accessories
Image of front & back side
Image of left & right side
Image of Car interiors
Image of Odometer
Pop-ups and nudges

1. A generic pop-up that would appear when the user attempted to exit from any screen.
2. An offer pop-up displaying a price range, triggered when the user attempted to exit after providing sufficient details for the pricing model.
3. A pop-up specifically for the camera flow, appearing if the user tried to exit during the photo- taking process.
Start Screen

Design enhancement: Introduction of cards and better copy to make it clear and easy to understand.
Different ways of filling car details



Section 1:
Designs and Iterations
Layout Iterations

After iterations, research, and tech team discussions, we decided to limit the final camera experience to landscape mode for the following reasons:
Car proportions: Landscape mode is more efficient in capturing the full length of a car, as it exceeds its height.
Bigger preview: Landscape mode provides a larger preview area, enabling a better view and capturing more details.
Avoiding unnecessary information: Landscape mode prevents capturing extraneous details, focusing solely on the car, unlike portrait mode.

Camera components were tailored for landscape mode, and users received a visual cue to switch to landscape mode for an optimal experience, ensuring consistency.
For an improved user experience, car stencil icons were strategically placed to ensure unobstructed photo capture. After each photo, the selection moved to the next icon.
The camera interface was designed to replicate the familiar and intuitive layout of a conventional camera, ensuring users can easily navigate and interact with the self-inspection tool.
The camera interface was thoughtfully designed to accommodate left-hand operation, with the camera components automatically flipping to ensure seamless usability for left-handed
Usability and Ergonomics

Final designs for testing
Stencil and icon set

Section 2:
Final Designs

“I like the stencil concept is helpful in guiding”
“I like how errors are shown”
“I like the continuous photo clicking process”
“I am having trouble clicking some pictures as the car is parked against something”
“I don’t know how to open the bonnet to take engine photos:
“The toolbar is not visible outside because of it’s light colour”
“My car is sometimes parked away from my home”
User Feedback
Some more design experiments with the Camera flow
Experiment 1: Help users take angled photos to avoid cropped photos in constrained spaces

Experiment 2: Add explaining pop-ups in the flow

Experiment 3: Explain errors better

Usability Testing
Increased leads from self-inspection tool improved lead to procurement ratio, but operational limitations hindered proportional procurement growth. Strategic steps were taken to enhance capabilities and expand, allowing human intervention to support the self-inspection process. Positive impact instilled confidence in scalable growth for the business.
Increase in procurement ~ 2X
There was a huge positive impact after the first launch in terms of numbers and business growth.
Exponential increase in leads ~ 5X
By eliminating the need to send inspection engineers to every home, we were able to reduce costs and instead focused on cross verifying cars of particular interest. This streamlined process improved efficiency and reduced operational expenses.
Thanks for sticking till the end:)
This UX case study has been a rich learning experience, greatly enhancing my skills in UX design while deepening my understanding of the synergy between business needs and user experience requirements. The collaborative nature of the project has been instrumental in bridging these aspects, underscoring the importance of effective teamwork in delivering successful UX solutions.
What Problem are we trying to solve?
Tedious and long Process: The online car selling process is very tedious and time consuming
High Operational Costs: After the online form-filling an OLX car inspector has to inspect the car physically. Physical car inspections increase the operational cost
Exponential increase in leads ~ 5X
There was a huge positive impact after the first launch in terms of numbers and business growth.
By eliminating the need to send inspection engineers to every home, we were able to reduce costs and instead focused on cross verifying cars of particular interest. This streamlined process improved efficiency and reduced operational expenses.
Exponential increase in leads ~ 5X
Increase in procurement ~ 2X
Increased leads from self-inspection tool improved lead to procurement ratio, but operational limitations hindered proportional procurement growth. Strategic steps were taken to enhance capabilities and expand, allowing human intervention to support the self-inspection process. Positive impact instilled confidence in scalable growth for the business.

About OLX Autos
OLX Autos is an online Car trading platform. User can sell their Car, buy one from the car listings from the platform or get their purchase financed by OLX. Selling, Buying and Finance are the three verticals OLX Autos deals with. They have Android, iOS as well as Web platforms.

About OLX Autos
OLX Autos is an online Car trading platform. User can sell their Car, buy one from the car listings from the platform or get their purchase financed by OLX. Selling, Buying and Finance are the three verticals OLX Autos deals with. They have Android, iOS as well as Web platforms.

The seller flow before Self Inspection:

What Problem are we trying to solve?
Tedious and long Process: The online car selling process is very tedious and time consuming
High Operational Costs: After the online form -filling an OLX car inspector has to inspect the car physically. Physical car inspections increase the operational cost
Highly Technical Car Details: Some users might find filling car details hard and need assistance.
Seller’s North Star Journey

Buyer’s North Star Journey

Self Inspection was built considering both seller and buyer benefits!

Do we see increase in Car leads on the platform?
How to we measure Self Inspection’ success?
Do we see increase in procurement of cars?
Do we see reduced operational costs?
User Personas
The potential need for selling:
Upgrade Car as a family for comfort.
Overall high maintenance of older vehicle.
Car adding to financial burden.
Car does not match social status.
Selling Behaviour: Convenience Seeker
Not very comfortable with multiple rounds of negotiations and meeting unknown buyers.
Wants to get as good deal with minimum hassle.
Open to paying extra for premium services.
The potential need for selling:
Upgrade Car as a family for comfort.
Overall high maintenance of older vehicle.
Car adding to financial burden.
Car does not match social status.
Selling Behaviour: Convenience Seeker
Not very comfortable with multiple rounds of negotiations and meeting unknown buyers.
Wants to get as good deal with minimum hassle.
Open to paying extra for premium services.
Secondary Research
A preliminary trial was undertaken involving actual users utilising the current functionalities to collect valuable insights and feedback for future enhancements. Additionally, a competitive benchmark analysis was carried out to evaluate the inspection tools currently accessible in the market.

A streamlined image capturing experience complemented with clear guidance on capturing the required images.
A user friendly tap-tap process would enable users to effortlessly provide us with a comprehensive range of car-related information in a simple and efficient manner.
How can we make the user flow seam effortless while meeting business goals?

User Feedback
“I want to do this in my free time with breaks in between”
“I am not comfortable getting on a video call”
“Is a video necessary? Won’t pictures be enough?”
“I want to do this in my free time. Not on a schedule.”
The field-based pilot sought to evaluate an initial self-inspection concept without developing a complete solution. Capitalising on users' familiarity with technologies such as WhatsApp video calling and phone cameras, the pilot investigated basic self-inspections at a surface level.
Step 1 Testing with existing capability
“I cannot send a video as it is large in size. Also, while taking the video and handling the car, its chaotic.”

Competition benchmarking revealed that SaaS organisations, insurance companies, OEMs, and other competitors were also exploring similar inspection tools and technologies. This analysis provided valuable insights into the competitive landscape and ongoing industry developments.
Step 1 Benchmarking

Low-fidelity concept ideation

A gamified conversational interface
Conversational Self Inspection with OLX as a Buyer or Inspection Engineer

Camera as the assistant

Wizard Approach

To finalise a concept and get more ideas and critics, I conducted a Workshop with my design team at OLX
Workshop Framework: Dreamer, Optimist and Critic
Generates a lot of ideas around the concept
Is free to imagine and suggest anything
Doesn't think about Constraints
Talks about what all things he/she likes about the concept
Gives Feedback around the concept
Finds Weak points
Wants to prevent failures

WORKSHOP INSIGHTS (20 Participants from the Design team participated)
I surfaced the concept for the team and asked each team member to get into the shoes of a :

Basic flow structure
A comprehensive exercise led by the operations team and other stakeholders was conducted to identify the crucial data points (questions) for the self-inspection process. The selection of these data points was driven by the goal of fostering trust among buyers while ensuring convenient data capture for sellers. Considerations such as car insurance etc. were taken into account to enhance buyer confidence, while the focus remained on providing sellers with a user-friendly and efficient experience.
Final detailed workflow

What Problem are we trying to solve?
Tedious and long Process: The online car selling process is very tedious and time consuming
High Operational Costs: After the online form -filling an OLX car inspector has to inspect the car physically. Physical car inspections increase the operational cost
Highly Technical Car Details: Some users might find filling car details hard and need assistance.
How can we make the user flow seam effortless while meeting business goals?

A user friendly tap-tap process would enable users to effortlessly provide us with a comprehensive range of car-related information in a simple and efficient manner.
A streamlined image capturing experience complemented with clear guidance on capturing the required images.
To finalise the concept and gather feedback, a workshop using the Dreamer-Optimistic-Critic framework was conducted. Considering factors like timelines, technical feasibility, business alignment, product vision, and scalability, a decision was made. We opted for a wizard approach for questions and a separate assistive camera experience to capture physical/condition details. This decision resulted from rigorous discussions and stakeholder consensus.
Wizard approach for questions and a separate unique assistive camera experience to capture physical/condition details of the car

Final Designs

To finalise the concept and gather feedback, a workshop using the Dreamer-Optimistic-Critic framework was conducted. Considering factors like timelines, technical feasibility, business alignment, product vision, and scalability, a decision was made. We opted for a wizard approach for questions and a separate assistive camera experience to capture physical/condition details. This decision resulted from rigorous discussions and stakeholder consensus.
Wizard approach for questions and a separate unique assistive camera experience to capture physical/condition details of the car
Designs and Iterations
Section 1:
Start Screen

Different ways of filling car details



1. A generic pop-up that would appear when the user attempted to exit from any screen.
2. An offer pop-up displaying a price range, triggered when the user attempted to exit after providing sufficient details for the pricing model.
3. A pop-up specifically for the camera flow, appearing if the user tried to exit during the photo- taking process.
Pop-ups and nudges
How can we provide a delightful experience and reduce operational cost?
If we can at minimum create an AI-assisted self-inspection capability, that is easy and quick for a consumer seller to complete from their home and is at a quality level that helps us assess the right purchase price at accuracy levels comparable to physical/home inspection we can gain a distinct advantage and accelerate our growth.
Mrunal Dhaygude

Section 2:
Usability and Ergonomics

Camera components were tailored for landscape mode, and users received a visual cue to switch to landscape mode for an optimal experience, ensuring consistency.

For an improved user experience, car stencil icons were strategically placed to ensure unobstructed photo capture. After each photo, the selection moved to the next icon.

The camera interface was designed to replicate the familiar and intuitive layout of a conventional camera, ensuring users can easily navigate and interact with the self-inspection tool.

The camera interface was thoughtfully designed to accommodate left-hand operation, with the camera components automatically flipping to ensure seamless usability for left-handed
Final designs for testing

Stencil and icon set

Usability Testing

User Feedback
“I like the stencil concept is helpful in guiding”
“I am having trouble clicking some pictures as the car is parked against something”
“I like how errors are shown”
“The toolbar is not visible outside because of it’s light colour”
“I like the continuous photo clicking process”
“I don’t know how to open the bonnet to take engine photos:
“My car is sometimes parked away from my home”
Final Designs

Some more design experiments with the Camera flow
Experiment 1: Help users take angled photos to avoid cropped photos in constrained spaces

Experiment 2: Add explaining pop-ups in the flow

Experiment 3: Explain errors better

There was a huge positive impact after the first launch in terms of numbers and business growth.
By eliminating the need to send inspection engineers to every home, we were able to reduce costs and instead focused on cross verifying cars of particular interest. This streamlined process improved efficiency and reduced operational expenses.
Increased leads from self-inspection tool improved lead to procurement ratio, but operational limitations hindered proportional procurement growth. Strategic steps were taken to enhance capabilities and expand, allowing human intervention to support the self-inspection process. Positive impact instilled confidence in scalable growth for the business.
Exponential increase in leads ~ 5X
Increase in procurement ~ 2X
Thanks for sticking till the end:)
This UX case study has been a rich learning experience, greatly enhancing my skills in UX design while deepening my understanding of the synergy between business needs and user experience requirements. The collaborative nature of the project has been instrumental in bridging these aspects, underscoring the importance of effective teamwork in delivering successful UX solutions.
Story Boarding
To ignite creativity and enhance comprehension of the user experience, storyboarding was harnessed, incorporating pertinent scenarios. This method proved instrumental in crafting inclusive designs that engaged all stakeholders.
Two pivotal scenarios were chosen: one depicting the user in close proximity to the car, and the other portraying the user at a physical distance from the car. This approach facilitated a thorough exploration of user interactions and requirements in diverse contexts.
What is Self Inspection?
An AI-assisted Self-inspection capability, that is easy and quick for a consumer seller to use and perform an inspection of their car from their home and is at a quality level that helps the business assess the right purchase price at accuracy levels comparable to physical / home inspection. Our business gained a distinct advantage and accelerated growth through this unique concept and experience.

Final Designs

I believe in the enchanting power of good design, capable of weaving magic into every experience. Let's work together and make magic!
Feel free to drop an email at
I believe in the enchanting power of good design, capable of weaving magic into every experience. Let's work together and make magic!
Feel free to drop an email at
Mrunal Dhaygude
Thanks for sticking till the end:)
This UX case study has been a rich learning experience, greatly enhancing my skills in UX design while deepening my understanding of the synergy between business needs and user experience requirements. The collaborative nature of the project has been instrumental in bridging these aspects, underscoring the importance of effective teamwork in delivering successful UX solutions.
There was a huge positive impact after the first launch in terms of numbers and business growth.
By eliminating the need to send inspection engineers to every home, we were able to reduce costs and instead focused on cross verifying cars of particular interest. This streamlined process improved efficiency and reduced operational expenses.
Increased leads from self-inspection tool improved lead to procurement ratio, but operational limitations hindered proportional procurement growth. Strategic steps were taken to enhance capabilities and expand, allowing human intervention to support the self-inspection process. Positive impact instilled confidence in scalable growth for the business.
Exponential increase in leads ~ 5X
Increase in procurement ~ 2X
Problems to solve for:
Scheduling an inspection increases time to sell
High operational cost to send inspectors on site
High volume of information needed to give a informed price
The current process is dependent on availability of an inspector